Monday, May 21, 2012


"I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey-work of the stars."

-Walt Whitman

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


"Happiness is only real when shared." 
- Christopher McCandless

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Today at the farmer's market I saw the absolute cutest boy on this earth.  He had that ultimate childish combination of innocence and unselfconsciousness,  which is just so awesome to watch.  Look at him!  My heart literally ached to be a kid again when I saw him.  In addition to his superb outfit he had changed his name for the day.  If I did that now people would probably send me to a psychiatrist, but when you're 5 you can do whatever you want and everyone loves you for it.  

The other day I had the ultimate Freudian slip.  I was trying to say "when I was younger," and I ended up saying "when I was happy."  Oops!  But then I look at these photos and I know that its true.  I miss the days when nothing mattered but playing outside with the dog or the neighbors, when the world was full of magic and adventure.  

I need to get back to that state of mind.

Best buds.