Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Aristotle and the Landscape

Today was (is) the most perfect day ever.  It's brilliantly sunny with absolutely zero humidity.  Not a single cloud in the wide blue sky.  It's actually a miracle.  These rare dry days are a precious commodity around here and I truly cherish them.  They're the kind where you can sit outside in the shade for hours reading and not look like someone dumped a bucket of water on you.  I've come to love bringing my lunch to school with me so that I can find some little courtyard or bench and eat my sandwich en plein air.  It's wonderful.  I've befriended a little squirrel at one particular bench.  He isn't afraid of me at all and he sometimes sits right next to my bench and looks longingly at my food.  Other times he hangs out in the tree above me and lays out flat on the trunk and just surveys the world.  As I was reading Aristotle today (ick!) I came across a nice line (truly a rare occurrence in my opinion - he's far too wordy) that, once again, encourages living for love: 

"...it is by doing just acts that the just man is produced."  

Does it follow, then, that by doing loving acts a loving person is produced?  

Now, a few reasons why I love New Orleans...

...because we have gigantic banana trees...

...that actually grow bananas.

...because we have elephant ears as big as, well, elephant ears.  

...because we have gold fish ponds in syrup kettles.

1 comment:

  1. I continue to absolutely love this blog! It is changing the way I perceive each precious day. Thank you!
